The petroleum industry refers to the production, refining and transportation of petroleum (and crude) products via different mediums such as pipelines, sea, rail, and oil tankers. It plays a vital role in the global economy of the country because it is the foundation of industrialization for developing regions. The game drastically changed when oil companies came into the scene. This explains why oil companies are one of the top companies that provide career and business opportunities for Filipinos. Besides the food and beverage industry, petroleum industry holds a huge part of the country’s overall GDP.

Now, let us find out the Petroleum companies that the Department of Energy has been monitoring since 2010. Penetrating these companies can definitely change your paradigm. Whether you take an investment opportunity or grab the slot to join the workforce, these companies will certainly bring you towards your goals.

The 3 Big Leagues in the Oil Industry

These are 3 major companies in the oil industry that hold the three largest market share. They are these oil companies that have been in the service of the Filipinos for over 30 years and continue to do so. You may have already seen these companies on TV.

1) Petron Corporation

Petron Corporation is considered as the leader in the industry. This is because they currently hold the largest market share with over 30% and counting. As the largest oil refining and marketing company in the country, it continues to produce quality and full-range of world-class fuels to fuel to lives of millions of Filipinos. Also, it is a big industry in Malaysia.

2) Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation

Ranked as the second best player in the petroleum industry, Shell Petroleum Corporation holds 23% of the market share. The company looks back at over hundred years of powering the Philippine industrial sectors and progress as it continually moves into a new age of dedicated service.

3) Chevron Philippines INC

Chevron has almost 700 Caltex service stations in the country. They sell a range of petroleum products such as Caltex Diesel, Caltex with Techron Gasoline, Kerosene, Fuel additives and even Lubricants. The company has 20 strong supply facilities with major depots and terminals across the country.

Furthermore, there are also minor oil players in the country that are direct importers in the market. They are gaining momentum and continue to thrive with the competition. They are currently, performing well with good number of market share percentage.

Minor Players with Good Standing

Minor players are big companies too and have been promising in their hold towards the market share.

4) Seaoil Corporation

Currently placed as the 4th in ranking, Seaoil Corporation holds over 5% of market share in the industry. The company is known to be customer centric. They value their customers’ well-being by producing top quality fuel and lubricant products that do not greatly damage the ecosystem.

5) Phoenix Petroleum PH Inc.

Getting the 5th spot is Phoenix with a market share of over 4%. Marketing experts take this as the fastest growing oil company in the country. The company provides fuel for several industries and they deliver their products to their clients’ area of operation. They provide pump stations within the area of operation when it involves high volume of accounts.

6) Unioil

This is one of the fast-growing players identified by the Department of Energy. Currently, the company holds over 3% of the total market share. Aside from fuel products and lubricants, the company also offers Asphalt as one of its major products. Another thing is its very low sulfur content on its Fuel. What makes this company quite unique from the rest is its regular promo offers to customers. 

Other Promising Players 

These companies may not be as big as the formerly mentioned but, they post great potential in making it big. A few of them are even 100% Filipino-owned and independent oil companies.

7) Jetti Oil

“Your Trusted Fuel, as they say.”  Jetti Oil is a Filipino-owned oil company and is independent from partnerships from any multinational companies in the country. It continues to provide great service by making sure of fair-priced and quality petroleum products. Not as old as the other big players as it only started last 1998, but Jetti continues to show promising progress in the competitive world of the oil industry.

8) Prycegas

The company has been in the business for over 30 years storing, importing and distributing liquefied petroleum gas. It is also engaged with selling and manufacturing industrial gases. Most of its operation is in Visayas and Mindanao but, has now become a new big player in Luzon. The brand name Prycegas has been famous in the homes and kitchen of every Filipino household.

There are a few more oil companies who have been included on the list of the Department of Energy. Some of them are less than 10 years in the business but, most of them have been very promising in their fuel products including Isla LPG Corporation and Micro Dragon.

So, whether you want to join the workforce or look for a franchising opportunity, oil companies are the foundation of the competitive industrialized cities of today. It pays to join the force of growth and industrialization. Because the world is heading towards advancement and industrialization, petroleum companies will continually thrive and grow. If you ever think of working to any of these companies then do not be surprised if you get good compensation, benefits and incentives.

However, when there is growth in the industry, there also is a posted risk towards Mother Nature. We understand that industrialization may post a great risk to nature if not managed carefully but, all these companies have driven their efforts and resources to protect the environment as much as possible. The Department of Energy continues to exert its efforts to have these companies in check and to also make sure that everything is in place so as to post a greater risk to both nature and human health – so the country can continually grow without greatly harming the natural habitat.