Philippine’s economy is ever-growing and one of its reason is the booming business industry where Filipinos had been jumping right into – and among the many business ventures Filipinos take, one of the famous business choices Filipinos make is establishing a Buko Shake business.

Once summer is creeping around the corner, you will notice Buko Shake stands popping left and right which some of you might be left wondering if why are so many people investing in this type of business format.

Perhaps you also want to try setting up your own buko shake business and interested in establishing one and wondering if it’s truly worth the investment. If you’re one of these people, then keep on reading and find out why buko shakes are so popular in the Philippines. 

Abundance of Coconut

Coconut trees which ideally grows in a hot and humid environment which is the very definition of the weather Philippines have – it is also because of this, as to why the country has numerous coconut plantation present around the island, which is known to harvest millions of coconut fruits every year.

With such abundance of coconut in the country, procuring supplies for the buko shake businesses makes it easy and affordable because of its steep supply – and that affordability, benefits not only the business side but also the consumers who are always on the look-out for products that can quench their thirst while still being on the budget.

Buko Shakes Tickles Filipinos’ Sweet Tooth

Filipinos love sweets, even on meals they prefer things a little bit sweeter, that’s also the reason why the biggest homegrown fast-food chain in the Philippines offers a sweet style Filipino spaghetti.

That love for sweetness speaks close to the sweet but refreshing taste of buko shake that Filipinos crave when experiencing extreme heat, specifically during the summer season.

Buko Shakes is an Easy to Set-Up Business

From a business standpoint, establishing a buko shake business is relatively easy, as long as you know what you need and where to get it. As mentioned, buko products are also quite affordable, making it a great choice of a business venture for those who are looking to establish a business that is easy to set-up and won’t need big capital investment to start.

Buko Shakes Turns Down the Heat

The high temperature in the Philippines is nothing new, but the thirst and heat it brings to everyone is something every Filipino always struggles to find a way to tone down. That’s why, aside from window shopping on air-conditioned malls and restaurants, Filipinos also love to drink cold drinks such as shakes to make the heat more bearable.

It’s a Healthy Way of Drinking the Thirst Away

It’s made out of the coconut fruit, which have great nutritional value, and with the rise of people becoming more concern and careful with their lifestyle, having a drink that not only soothes the thirst but also delivers an organic (sometimes) and healthy alternative to other artificial drinks in the market, makes the Buko Shake craze in the Philippines grow bigger.