Starting a franchise with TC Franchising and Business Development Co. is very easy! Here is a step by step preview of the process of starting your very own franchise business with us!
- Inquire at 0915.6385699 through phone call or text message. You can look for Mr. Tristan Pilongo.
- We will set an appointment for you at our head office for orientation and product tasting. At the showroom, you can inspect the quality of the carts we will provide, as well as the signages.
- When you have made up your mind, you can fill out application form. You can also have to provide a rough sketch map for the location of your future franchise business.
- Pay the franchise fee of your chosen franchise package. We accept dated check, cash or through bank deposit. This is a one time payment only.
- Read the franchise agreement carefully and sign each page.
- There is a lead time of two to three weeks for us to process your franchise and provide the inclusions.
- While waiting for your kiosk to be delivered, you may use the time to hire your crew, attend franchisee operation seminar and crew training. You may also use the two to three weeks lead time allotted for you to find a location as you prefer (if you haven’t submitted a location yet). This is also a great time to renovate your place for your kiosk.
- Once your food cart has been delivered, you may now start your operations.